Changelog ======= Bolded styling surrounded by emojis indicates a breaking change. ## v0.99.0 - Added support for jQuery 3 - Fixed dynamic textarea resize bug - Added support for custom active elements in scrollspy - Added Time Picker - Updated styling for Date Picker - Added callbacks to side nav - Updated styling for switches ## v0.98.2 (April 14th) - :no_good: **Autocomplete: renamed and moved options to `autocompleteOptions`** :no_good: - Fixed collapsible preselect bug - Fixed dropdown event bubbling bug - Fixed range position inaccuracies - Fixed feature discovery mobile styles - Fixed carousel reinitialize bugs - Fixed grid offset bug ## v0.98.1 (March 21st) - Fixed various select bugs on mobile devices - Fixed small sideNav overlay bugs - Fixed carousel resizing bug - Fixed materialbox callback bug - Range slider supports keyboard navigation - Added XL breakpoint - Added Pulse CSS effect - Added Feature Discovery component ## v0.98.0 (January 25th) - :no_good: **Standardized plugin option naming to camelcase (please check your plugin calls to make sure all the options are camelcase)** :no_good: - Added FABs in image cards - Added swipeable tabs - Fixed carousel misalignment when switching quickly - Fixed carousel resize bug where slide widths wouldn't change when changing window size - Improved tabs compatibility with cards - Fixed bug where using backspace to delete chips would navigate back in certain browsers - Added autocomplete integration with chips - Upgraded noUiSlider to version 9 with support for vertical sliders ## v0.97.8 (October 30th, 2016) - **Refactored Modal plugin** - Tabs now supported in navbar - Chips data can now be reinitiailized - Minor side nav fixes - FAB to toolbar component added - Fixed dropdown options bug ## v0.97.7 (July 23rd, 2016) - Basic horizontal cards - Carousel bug fixes and new features - Updated sidenav styles and new component - Meteor package now supports Sass - Autocomplete form component - Chips jQuery plugin ## v0.97.6 (April 1st, 2016) - **Removed deprecated material icons from project** - **Changed /font directory to /fonts** - Datepicker and ScrollSpy now compatible with jQuery 2.2.x - Responsive tables now work with empty cells - Added focus states to checkboxes, switches, and radio buttons - Sidenav and Modals no longer cause flicker with scrollbar - Materialbox overflow and z-index issues fixed - Added new option for Card actions within a Card reveal ## v0.97.5 (December 21st, 2015) - Fixed Meteor package crash ## v0.97.4 (Dec 20, 2015) - Added Jasmine testing with Travis CI - Select bugfixes - Grid Offset bugfix - Dropdown overflow bugfix - Range slider error bugfix ## v0.97.3 (Nov 15, 2015) - Meteor font issues fixed - Select rendering issue fixed - Added Push and Pull to grid - Dynamic accordion appends fixed ## v0.97.2 (Nov 8, 2015) - Image support inside select - Optgroup supported in select - Multiple select added - Card styling fixes - Breadcrumbs added - Scrollable tabs - Tooltips and dropdowns position themselves more intelligently inside the window - FAB menu is click-toggleable - Horizontal FAB support added ## v0.97.1 (Sep 13, 2015) - Added new range slider with uses noUiSlider to provide powerful options - Added CSS for Chips - Toasts support adding of html elements - Fixed select destroy/creation bug - Bugfixes for dropdown, badges, collections, scrollfire - Added default preloader color variable - File input now supports multiple files and dynamically loaded elements ## v0.97.0 (June 21, 2015) - **Documentation changed to use Official Google Icon web font** - **Input errors added** - Flicker on Firefox on dropdowns fixed - Pagination made more responsive - Modal now prevents scrolling - Modal animation added - Support for multiple modals added - Programmatic control of FAB to open/close added - Programmatic control of slider to play/pause added - Plus many more bug fixes ## v0.96.0 (April 1, 2015) - Toasts, transitions, scrollfire added under Materialize namespace - Dropdown is now created as a child of its parent - Collapsibles supports nesting - Modal Bottom Sheet added - Indeterminate Checkboxes added - New Checkbox Style added - Text Inputs supports placeholder/readonly - Google Inbox-like Collapsible added - Text Character Counter added - Waves no longer breaks on SVGs ## v0.95.3 (Feb 25, 2015) - Parallax image loading / responsiveness fixes - Date picker supports month/year as dropdown - Dismissable collection items - Avatar collection items - Pagination Added - ScrollFire fixes ## v0.95.2 (Feb 10, 2015) - Switches added - Transition animation functions added - ScrollFire Plugin added (fires functions dependent on scroll position) - Responsive Video tag added - Custom File Input Button added - Modals has a fixed footer option - SideNav implementation changed (needs 2 UL menus) - Slider Responsive Fixes ## v0.95.1 (Jan 26, 2015) - Sidenav Fixes - Dropdown alignment/gutter options added - Parallax fixes - JavaScript Initialization no longer needed for many components - HTML options through data-attributes - Site colors can be defined through Primary and Secondary color in Sass - Tables no longer resonsive by default ## v0.95.0 (Jan 17, 2015) - Drag Out Menu fixed with Touch Interactions - Toasts minor bugfix - OL element has default styling - Fullscreen Slider added - Footer requires page-footer class - Progress Bars added - Form autofill support added - Responsive Tables support added - Scrollspy Plugin released - Waves events are now delegated / behavior enhanced ## v0.94.0 (Dec 30, 2014) - Sidenav supports right edge positioning - Responsive Embeds - Image Vertical align classes - border-box added - Variable file created - Pushpin added - Tooltips support all directions - Layout helper classes added - Materialbox Fixes - Form Element Enhancements - Navbar supports search bar - Waves fixes - Materialbox Captions - Image Slider Fixes ## v0.93.1 (Dec 20, 2014) - Flexbox Sticky Footer removed due to IE incompatibility ## v0.93.0 (Dec 19, 2014) - Card Reveal - Image Slider - Dynamically loaded forms work correctly - Badges added - Circular Image - Waves Fixes - Footer Added - Toast support Custom HTML - Modals support programmatic opening/closing - Responsive Image support ## v0.92.1 (Dec 14, 2014) - Bower semver fix - Added new radio button style ## v0.92.0 (Dec 13, 2014) - Clicking icon in dropdown in navbar no longer closes dropdown immediately - Multiple select inputs now work properly - Mobile navbar no longer extends past screen width - Parallax improved - Modal restructured / can be opened programmatically - Callbacks added to modals - Added dist folder to repo - Cards restructured ## v0.91 (Dec 3, 2014) - bug fixes to forms - added waves color classes - toast thickened to look better on mobile - many other bug fixes ## v0.9 (Nov 30, 2014) - Touch interactions added - tons more...